Case Study: BBG / Lloyds North / Caltas Managed Services & Development - Bonney Group

Managed Services / Development services

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C9 Fuels Bonney Group Growth with Data-Driven Solutions: A Case Study in Managed Services and Development Excellence

Bonney Group, a leading player in Australia's fuel distribution and transport industry, faced a critical challenge: managing and leveraging their vast data resources to optimise operations and fuel business growth. Seeking a reliable and innovative partner, they turned to C9, Australia's leading custom software, apps, integration, and database developer. This case study delves into C9's successful collaboration with Bonney Group, showcasing how through managed services and expert development, C9 empowered them to extract valuable insights from their data, streamline processes, and ultimately achieve their strategic goals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Enhanced Efficiency and Decision-Making: C9's expertise in SQL Server and Business Intelligence tools enabled the Bonney Group to gain deeper data insights and optimise their operations.
  • Seamless Technology Integration: C9's development prowess seamlessly integrated various technology stacks, including SQL Server, Power BI, and ASP.NET Core, ensuring data accessibility and actionable reporting.
  • Reliable Managed Services: C9's ongoing support and maintenance ensured the Bonney Group's IT infrastructure remained stable and secure, freeing them to focus on core business activities.
  • Scalability for Future Growth: The implemented solutions were designed with scalability in mind, allowing the Bonney Group to adapt to changing market needs and data volumes.

Dive into the details and discover how C9's data-driven solutions fueled the Bonney Group's journey towards success. Prepare to be inspired by a true testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in the ever-evolving world of technology.

C9 have been providing managed services for many years supporting various technology stacks within the Bonney Group of companies.

Key Functionality

Core Technologies


Bonney Group


Fuel Distribution and Transport


1000+ Hours