Top 15 Web Application Developers FAQs Answered by C9

Are you considering developing a web application for your business but have some questions about the process? As a leading Australian web application development company, C9 is here to provide expert answers to the top 15 frequently asked questions we hear from business owners and executives.


What are the challenges of web application development?

Some of the main challenges include ensuring cross-browser compatibility, optimising performance and load times, implementing robust security measures, building a great user experience, and scaling the application as the user base grows. An experienced development team can help navigate these challenges.


What should I consider when building a web application? 

Key considerations include defining your target users and their needs, deciding which features are essential for launch vs. future releases, ensuring the tech stack can scale, building in analytics to measure usage, and having a plan for ongoing maintenance and updates post-launch.


What's the best approach to web application development?

The optimal approach depends on your specific needs, but in general, an agile development methodology with frequent releases and iterations based on user feedback tends to work well. Breaking the project into phases and prioritising essential features for a MVP (minimum viable product) is also recommended.


What programming languages are most web apps built with?

Popular programming languages for web apps include JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, and Java. The best choice depends on factors like performance needs, development speed, scalability, and the experience of your development team.


What is the purpose of a web application?

Web applications are interactive programs accessed through a web browser that help users perform specific tasks or address needs. The purpose varies - common use cases include productivity and collaboration tools, ecommerce shops, customer portals, and content management systems.


What's the best operating system for web development? 

While it's possible to develop on any OS, most developers prefer MacOS or Linux for web development, as those operating systems tend to be more developer-friendly and come with pre-installed tools. However, Windows can also be a good choice, especially with the Windows Subsystem for Linux.


Is web application development the same as web development?

Web application development is a subset of web development that focuses specifically on building interactive, dynamic applications accessed through a browser. Web development is a broader field that also includes static websites, web design, and front-end development.


Is it better to have a website or web application?

It depends on your goals. A website is best for simply showcasing information, while a web application is better for interactive functionality and complex tasks. Many businesses benefit from having both a marketing website and web applications for customers and internal use.


Is it easier to code a website or web application? 

In general, basic websites with static content are easier and faster to develop than web applications, which are more complex and feature-rich. Web apps require advanced programming skills and have more moving parts to manage, like databases and server-side logic.


Do web applications need to be installed?

Unlike desktop applications, web apps don't need to be installed locally on a user's device. Instead, users access them directly through a web browser, making them more accessible and easier to maintain and update.


Should I build a web app or website first?

In most cases, it's best to start with a simple website to establish your online presence, validate your business idea, and start attracting users. Once you have some traction, you can then develop a web application to provide more advanced functionality and better serve your users. 


Why are web apps often faster than websites?

Web apps are often optimized for speed and performance, with techniques like caching, lazy loading, and minimizing HTTP requests. They're also built with specific tasks in mind, rather than serving more general content like websites, which allows for tighter and more efficient code.


What are the advantages of a web app vs. a website?

Web apps offer interactive functionality, user-specific experiences, better performance, offline access, and tighter security compared to websites. They can also integrate with other systems and scale as your user base grows.


Which operating systems are optimized for web apps?

Generally, web apps are designed to work across operating systems - one of their main benefits is being device and OS agnostic. The OS matters more for the development side, where MacOS and Linux are favored for their developer tools and ecosystems.


Which version of Windows is best for web development?

If using Windows for web development, aim for a newer version like Windows 10 or 11 to ensure compatibility with modern development tools and frameworks. Older versions may lack features like the Windows Subsystem for Linux that are helpful for web development.


Developing a web application can be complex and daunting, but with the right planning and development partner, it can take your business to the next level. At C9, our team of experienced Australian developers is here to help you navigate the process and build a successful web app.

Contact us today to discuss your project and learn how we can bring your vision to life with our end-to-end web application development and management services.


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