Top 15 Cross Platform App Development FAQs Answered by C9

Are you considering developing a mobile app for your Australian business but unsure whether to go with native or cross-platform development? You're not alone. Many business owners and executives grapple with this decision. 

At C9, we specialise in cross-platform app development for Australian companies. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities of the Australian market. To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled answers to the top 15 frequently asked questions about cross-platform app development. 


Which platform is commonly used for cross-platform mobile software development?

Some of the most popular cross-platform frameworks are React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, and Ionic. These allow you to write code once and deploy it to both iOS and Android, saving significant time and cost compared to building separate native apps.


What is the main problem of cross-platform?

The main challenge with cross-platform is that you may sacrifice some performance compared to native apps that are fully optimised for each platform. However, for most business apps, modern cross-platform frameworks provide very good performance that end users are happy with.  


How does cross-platform development work?

Cross-platform frameworks provide a layer of abstraction on top of the native iOS and Android SDKs. Developers write code in languages like JavaScript, C#, or Dart, which then gets compiled to native code for each platform. This allows maximum code reuse while still leveraging native capabilities.


What are the limitations of cross-platform apps?

Some potential limitations are:

➡️ Slight performance overhead compared to fully native 
➡️ May not have access to the latest platform-specific features right away
➡️ UI consistency can be tricky to maintain across platforms
➡️ Some specialised use cases may require going fully native

However, for the vast majority of business apps, a well-built cross-platform app can meet or exceed user expectations while providing significant savings.


What is the best language for cross-platform development? 

It depends on your team's existing skillset and the specific needs of your app. JavaScript is very popular for web developers moving into mobile. Dart is easy to learn and fast to develop with. C# appeals to teams with Microsoft ecosystem experience. The "best" option is the one that empowers your team to deliver a great app efficiently.


Why is cross-platform compatibility challenging for applications?

The iOS and Android ecosystems have different UI conventions, platform capabilities and device fragmentation. Delivering a consistent, compatible app across the full range of devices is definitely an engineering challenge. But it's a challenge that modern cross-platform frameworks are increasingly able to meet.


What is the main benefit of cross-platform development?

The main benefit is significant cost and time savings. Instead of building two separate native apps, you build one app and deploy it to both platforms. This is a huge efficiency gain. You also have one codebase to maintain moving forward rather than two. For businesses that want a presence on both iOS and Android, cross-platform is very compelling.


Why native development is better than cross-platform?

For some specialised use cases, such as intensive games or apps that need to deeply integrate with low-level device capabilities, native can still make sense. You have total control and can maximise performance. But for most general business purposes, the advantages of cross-platform (cost savings, faster development, single codebase) outweigh the benefits of going fully native.


Is cross-platform app development the future?

While there will always be a place for native development for specialised use cases, we believe that cross-platform is undoubtedly the future for most business apps. The frameworks are getting more capable and performant all the time. The cost and time savings are too significant to ignore. 


What is the disadvantage of cross-platform application?

The main disadvantages are potential performance limitations, lagging slightly behind the latest native features, and the engineering challenge of maintaining compatibility. But a skilled cross-platform development team can mitigate these to deliver apps that delight users.


What are the challenges in cross-platform mobile app development?

The challenges include:

➡️ Managing user experience consistency across platforms
➡️ Debugging issues that only manifest on certain devices
➡️ Staying up-to-date with the latest from Apple and Google
➡️ Balancing performance with development efficiency
➡️ Choosing the right architecture to maximise code sharing

But a partner like C9 has deep expertise to help you navigate the challenges and realise the benefits.


What is the limitation of Web apps?

Web apps tend to have UX/performance limitations compared to true cross-platform apps that compile down to fully native binaries. Users also have to go through the friction of opening a browser rather than just tapping an icon on their home screen. For some basic uses a web app may suffice, but for a high-end user experience, a cross-platform app framework is a better choice.


How does cross-platform development work?

Developers write code in a language like JavaScript, sharing as much as possible between iOS and Android. That code then goes through a special compilation process and packaging to produce separate native app binaries for each platform. The result is two apps that look and feel native to users, but which came from one codebase and one development effort.


What is a key advantage of cross-platform applications?

For businesses, the key advantages are faster development, lower cost, and a single codebase to maintain. For users, the key advantages are getting the app on their preferred platform and receiving updates simultaneously. Overall it's a win-win compared to having to choose one platform or face the cost of two parallel native developments.


Should I learn native or cross-platform app development?

If you're new to mobile development, we recommend starting with a cross-platform approach. This allows you to target the most users and have the greatest business impact. Over time, you can always learn the native platform details and optimise if needed. But building cross-platform skills sets you up well to meet typical business needs efficiently.


Ready to Get Started? Choose C9  

Hopefully this has helped answer some of your key questions about cross-platform app development! When you're ready to discuss your specific app idea, the experts at C9 are here to help. As a leading Australian cross-platform app development company, we have a proven track record of delivering high-quality, user-pleasing apps for iOS and Android. 

We take the time to understand your unique business needs and craft a solution that delivers maximum impact and ROI. From ideation through launch and beyond, we're your partner every step of the way. We can even help with post-launch maintenance and managed service support so you never have to worry about technical issues and can focus on growing your business.

Don't waste time and resources building separate native apps. Go cross-platform with C9 and see the results faster. Contact us today to request a free consultation! Let's bring your app idea to life together.


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