Top 15 Low Code / No Code Development FAQ's Answered by C9

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking ways to streamline their software development processes and reduce time-to-market. Low-code and no-code development platforms have emerged as game-changers, enabling companies to create applications quickly and efficiently with minimal coding knowledge. However, many business owners and executives still have questions about these technologies. In this blog post, we'll answer 15 of the most frequently asked questions about low-code and no-code development, and introduce you to C9, an Australian-based company that specializes in these cutting-edge solutions.

What are the limitations of low-code development?

While low-code development offers numerous benefits, it does have some limitations. These include reduced customisation options compared to traditional coding, potential vendor lock-in, and scalability challenges for complex enterprise-level applications. However, many of these limitations can be mitigated by choosing the right low-code platform and partnering with experienced developers like those at C9.

What is the future of low-code no-code development?

The future of low-code and no-code development is bright. As more businesses recognise the benefits of these technologies, adoption rates are expected to soar. Gartner predicts that by 2024, low-code application development will account for more than 65% of all application development activity. C9 is at the forefront of this trend, helping Australian businesses leverage low-code and no-code solutions to drive innovation and growth.

What are the benefits of low-code no-code development?

Low-code and no-code development offer numerous benefits, including faster development times, reduced costs, improved agility, and increased accessibility for non-technical users. These platforms enable businesses to create applications quickly, iterate on them easily, and respond to changing market demands with unparalleled speed. C9's team of low-code and no-code experts can help your business harness these benefits and stay ahead of the competition.

What are the disadvantages of no-code?

While no-code development offers many advantages, it does have some disadvantages. These include limited customisation options, potential performance issues for complex applications, and a reliance on the no-code platform provider for updates and support. However, by partnering with an experienced no-code development company like C9, you can mitigate these disadvantages and ensure your no-code applications are built to the highest standards.

What are the benefits of using low-code power platform products?

Low-code power platform products, such as Microsoft Power Platform, offer a range of benefits. These include rapid application development, seamless integration with existing systems, and the ability to leverage pre-built templates and components. C9's team of Power Platform experts can help your business take full advantage of these benefits, creating custom applications that streamline your operations and drive growth.

How much faster is low-code development?

Low-code development can be up to 10 times faster than traditional coding methods. This is because low-code platforms provide pre-built components, drag-and-drop interfaces, and automated testing and deployment features. By partnering with C9, you can leverage these capabilities to accelerate your application development process and bring new products and services to market faster than ever before.

How does no code development work?

No-code development works by providing users with a visual, drag-and-drop interface for creating applications. These platforms offer pre-built templates, components, and integrations that enable non-technical users to create fully functional applications without writing a single line of code. C9's no-code experts can guide you through the process, helping you create powerful applications that meet your unique business needs.

When to use low-code apps?

Low-code apps are ideal for a wide range of use cases, including business process automation, customer engagement, and data management. They are particularly well-suited for applications that require rapid development, frequent iterations, and cross-platform compatibility. C9 can help you identify the best use cases for low-code apps in your organisation and develop solutions that drive efficiency and innovation.

Why do we need low-code no-code?

Low-code and no-code development are essential in today's fast-paced business environment. These technologies enable organisations to respond quickly to changing market demands, innovate faster, and reduce their reliance on scarce IT resources. By embracing low-code and no-code, businesses can stay agile, competitive, and customer-centric in the face of constant disruption. C9 is committed to helping Australian businesses unlock the full potential of these technologies.

Will low-code development replace software development?

While low-code development is transforming the software development landscape, it is unlikely to replace traditional coding entirely. Instead, low-code will complement and augment traditional development methods, enabling businesses to create applications faster and more efficiently. C9's team of low-code and traditional software development experts can help you find the right balance for your organisation, ensuring you have the tools and skills you need to succeed.

What is the technology behind low-code?

Low-code platforms are built on a variety of technologies, including cloud computing, APIs, and visual programming languages. These technologies enable low-code platforms to provide users with a seamless, intuitive development experience, while also ensuring scalability, security, and performance. C9's low-code experts stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices, ensuring your low-code applications are built on a solid foundation.

What is the demand for low-code developers?

As more businesses adopt low-code and no-code technologies, the demand for low-code developers is skyrocketing. These professionals possess a unique blend of technical skills and business acumen, enabling them to create applications that drive real business value. C9's team of low-code developers are among the best in the industry, with a proven track record of delivering high-quality, custom applications for Australian businesses.

Is no-code a threat to developers?

No-code development is not a threat to traditional developers. Instead, it is an opportunity for developers to focus on more complex, high-value tasks, while empowering non-technical users to create applications that meet their specific needs. C9's team of developers embrace no-code as a complementary technology, using it to accelerate development cycles and drive innovation across the organisation.

Is no-code development worth it?

For many businesses, no-code development is absolutely worth it. By enabling non-technical users to create applications quickly and easily, no-code can help organisations reduce costs, improve agility, and drive innovation. C9 has helped countless Australian businesses realise the benefits of no-code, creating custom applications that streamline operations, enhance customer engagement, and drive growth.

Is no-code low-code the future?

No-code and low-code development are undoubtedly the future of application development. As these technologies continue to evolve and mature, they will enable businesses of all sizes to create powerful, custom applications faster and more efficiently than ever before. C9 is committed to staying at the forefront of this revolution, helping Australian businesses harness the power of no-code and low-code to drive success in the digital age.


As the answers to these frequently asked questions demonstrate, low-code and no-code development offer a wide range of benefits for Australian businesses. From faster development times and reduced costs to improved agility and increased innovation, these technologies are transforming the way applications are built and delivered. At C9, we specialise in helping businesses like yours harness the power of low-code and no-code to drive success in the digital age.



Ready to take your application development to the next level? Choose C9, Australia's leading low-code and no-code development company. Our team of experts will work closely with you to understand your unique business needs and create custom applications that streamline your operations, enhance customer engagement, and drive growth. Contact us today to learn more about our recurring management and managed service support options, and let us help you unlock the full potential of low-code and no-code development.
